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1 vial with 10mL of FORMOCRESOL.
Less concentrated than Buckey’s standard composition without losing its therapeutic properties, thus increasing its biological compatibility.
Mummifying pulp tissue.


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Material for Dental Pulp Mummification.

The formulation of FORMOCRESOL complies with standards guided by current research, therefore being more diluted than Buckley’s standard composition, but having the same or greater effectiveness and greater biological compatibility.
Its function is to fix the living pulps, keeping them inert and allowing the conservation of the deciduous tooth until a time close to the physiological fall (pulpotomy). It has a potent antibacterial action due to the action of its components, which justifies its use in delay dressings in endodontic treatments.




Biodinamica Química e Farmacêutica LTDA was founded in 1991 and established its headquarters in Ibiporã, an important industrial and technological center in the north of Paraná. The commitment to supply the market with competitive, reliable and quality products is part of our history. All this to help people, like you, to have more confidence in smiling for life
The entire manufacturing process of our dental products follows strict quality standards. We are concerned with offering products that combine technological innovation with efficiency and are all developed by a specialized team committed to environmental sustainability. Respect for international quality standards allows us to increasingly consolidate ourselves in the national and international market with a wide range of products sold throughout Brazil and in 54 countries, mainly in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.


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