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Calcium Hydroxide P.A

1 vial with 10g of CALCIUM HYDROXIDE PA

It has the property of stimulating the formation of sclerotic and repairing dentin.
Protects the pulp against thermoelectric stimuli.
Protects the pulp from the action of toxic agents in some restorative materials.
Microorganisms cannot develop in direct contact with CALCIUM HYDROXIDE.
The product can act for several days. Long-term dressings with CALCIUM HYDROXIDE have shown the reversal of several periapical alterations.
Causes inhibition of bacterial proliferation.
It can deprive residual microorganisms of their nutritional supply by preventing the penetration of exudate into the root canal system.
The pH 12.4, highly alkaline, can favor bacterial death.
High degree of purity guaranteed by the best raw material suppliers on the market and our constant laboratory evaluation of the product.


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Pulp capping material

CALCIUM HYDROXIDE is one of the most accepted materials currently to induce the formation of repairing dentin, presenting essential properties for materials that act in procedures on dentin. These properties are:
a) Allowing an increase in calcification of the pre-existing dentin layer, providing better conditions for protecting the pulp when subjected to injuries;
b) Prevent the procedure or material used from causing irritation to adjacent structures.

In Endodontics it is used as an intracanal material, being potent antimicrobial (by inhibiting bacterial enzymes), having excellent histocompatibility and stimulates the host tissue, favoring tissue repair (by tissue enzymatic activation, generating a mineralizing effect).




Biodinamica Química e Farmacêutica LTDA was founded in 1991 and established its headquarters in Ibiporã, an important industrial and technological center in the north of Paraná. The commitment to supply the market with competitive, reliable and quality products is part of our history. All this to help people, like you, to have more confidence in smiling for life
The entire manufacturing process of our dental products follows strict quality standards. We are concerned with offering products that combine technological innovation with efficiency and are all developed by a specialized team committed to environmental sustainability. Respect for international quality standards allows us to increasingly consolidate ourselves in the national and international market with a wide range of products sold throughout Brazil and in 54 countries, mainly in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.


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